2. 基金在其名下直接持有物業産權,投資者的利益有保障
The fund has ended, and the raised funds have been built into hospitality property and delivered to clients. The are currently in normal operation.
As of the end of 2019, the data shows that the Japanese economy continues to improve, the real estate is in a depression of value, the continuous improvement of Sino-Japanese relations, and a series of important global events and activities after 2020 will be held in Japan, which will further boost tourism and employment rates. and economic growth.
The data provides further clarity:
The rapid growth of Japanese real estate, higher rent increases, and reasonable housing prices make it a great investment value.
The primary investment objective of the fund is to achieve capital appreciation while controlling investment risk. The fund will build, renovate or rebuild high-quality land or old houses into hospitality properties. During the development period, the fund will sell the independent property rights of the hospitality properties or the property rights of the entire building to individual or institutional investors.
Investor benefits include: development income, rental returns, and land appreciation.
Fund managers are responsible for developing, holding and operating, and selling the investment projects when they are most profitable.
It takes about 10-12 months from the purchase of the land to the completion of the project,and the acquisition of the license, and then it enters the overall operation period;
The operation period takes about 3-6 months to timely sell the property;
When the property is sold, the net profit after deducting all expenses is returned to the investor.
The period from investment to exit for the entire project is about 1.5-2 years under normal market conditions.
Buying fund directly has four advantages :
Investing in the “Brainwin Japan Hospitality Property Fund” is safe and reliable, as investing in this fund has dual guarantees :
In Japan, it is mandatory to purchase earthquake insurance and fire insurance. Since earthquake insurance is operated by the Japanese government in cooperation with insurance companies, no matter which fire insurance you join, the coverage and premium are the same, and the premium depends on the structure of the house, the location, and the insurance amount, and the number of years of the contract.
基金名稱 | 慧贏日本酒店民宿基金 Brainwin Japan Hospitality Property Fund |
基金經理 | 慧贏開曼公司 Brainwin Cayman Company 在開曼群島注册成立, 並在開曼群島金融管理局注册爲投資經理。 |
投資顧問 | 極元投資管理(香港)有限公司 ( “極元投資”) Jiyuan Investment Management (HK) Company Limited |
基金貨幣 | 美元 |
最初發行價 | 1,000美元 |
投資期 | B,C,D,E類:3年 + 1年 + 1年 (將根據市場實際情況決定) |
最低初始認購金額 | 100,000美元 |
最低額外認購金額 | 50,000美元 |
贖回日 | 本基金擁有主動權進行贖回操作,投資者沒有主動權 |
管理費 | 本基金會向投資經理支付管理費,管理貴每半年支付一次,根據6月最後一個工作日和12月最後一個工作日的資産淨值計算。 每年1.5% |
表現費 | 項目退出時,基金獲得的淨投資收益,低于10%部分(含),全部分配投資人;超過10%部分(不含),投資人獲得80%,基金管理人獲得20%。 |
李先生從2000年開始在香港和上海的仲量聯行、戴德梁行/高緯環球等公司擔任房地產投資職位, 在辦公室, 零售, 工業和酒店領域有豐富經驗。
李浩德先生是英國皇家特許測量師學會(RICS) 的會員, 並自2013年起擔任英國皇家特許測量師學會中國區的考官。
馬征先生曾參與很多大型專案,包括香港中環AIA Tower公共區域精裝修專案,香港”SHAMA”酒店服務式公寓專案,香港迪士尼樂園火車站專案, 香港長江集團北京東方廣場君悅酒店精裝修專案,深圳周大福中國總部精裝修專案, 香港新世界北京麗高王府服務公寓及別墅精裝修專案等。
慧橋日本投資開発株式會社董事總經理。令和 榮先生從小接受日本教育並畢業於大阪大學經濟學院,大學畢業後一直在日本大阪從事房地產投資開發領域的工作,超過15年的房地產投資開發經驗。
令和 榮先生擁有豐富的地產開發經驗,目前主要致力大阪的舊樓改造專案並為海外投資者尋找適合的日本房地產投資專案。